FacilitiesWard Office
Ward Office Help Desk
The Ward Office provides assistance through interpretation in 6 languages by telephone.
Assistance is available in English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Vietnamese, Portuguese and Filipino.
名称/Name | 所在地/Address | 電話/TEL |
東灘区役所(ひがしな だくやくしょ) Higashinada Ward |
東灘区住吉東町5-2 -1 (ひがしなだく すみよし ひがしまち) 5-2-1 Sumiyoshi-higashimachi,Higashinada-ku WEB |
078-841-4131 |
灘区役所(なだくやく しょ) Nada Ward |
灘区桜口町4-2-1 (なだく さくらぐちちょう) 4-2-1 Sakuraguchicho,Nada-ku WEB |
078-843-7001 |
中央区役所(ちゅうお うくやくしょ) Chuo Ward |
中央区東町115番地(ちゅうおうく ひがしまち) 115 Higashimachi,Chuo-ku WEB |
078-335-7511 |
兵庫区役所(ひょうご くやくしょ) Hyogo Ward |
兵庫区荒田町1-21 -1(ひょうごく あらたちょう) 1-21-1 Aratacho,Hyogo-ku WEB |
078-511-2111 |
北区役所(きた くやくしょ) Kita Ward |
北区鈴蘭台北町1-9-1(鈴蘭台駅前再開発ビル4~7F)(きたく すずらんだい きたまち) 1-9-1 Suzurandai-Kitamachi WEB |
078-593-1111 |
北神区役所(ほくしん くやくしょ) Hokushin Ward |
北区藤原台中町1-2-1 北神中央ビル(きたく ふじわらだい なかまち) 1-2-1 Fujiwaradai-Nakamachi, Kita-kuWEB |
078-981-5377 |
長田区役所(ながた くやくしょ) Nagata Ward |
長田区北町3-4-3 (ながたく きたまち) 3-4-3 Kitamachi,Nagata-ku WEB |
078-579-2311 |
須磨区役所(すま くやくしょ) Suma Ward |
須磨区大黒町4-1-1 (すまく だいこくちょう) 4-1-1 Daikokucho, Suma-ku WEB |
078-731-4341 |
垂水区役所(たるみ くやくしょ) Tarumi Ward |
垂水区日向1-5-1 (たるみく ひゅうが) 1-5-1 Hyuga,Tarumi-ku WEB |
078-708-5151 |
西区役所(にし くやくしょ) Nishi Ward |
西区糀台5-4-1(にしく こうじだい) 5-4-1 Kojidai,Nishi-ku WEB |
078-940-9501 |
☎Telephone Interpretation is available at Ward and Branch Offices in Kobe☎
There is a special cell phone available at each ward and branch office that will connect with an interpreter to allow for direct communication with the Ward and Branch Offices receptionists.
(Only questions regarding issues that fall under ward office jurisdiction will be answered.)
Available languages are: English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Vietnamese, Portuguese and Filipino
- Available at all Ward Offices in the City and Kita-Suma Branch Office, Hokushin dispatched office, Seishin-chuo despatched office
Available times: Monday through Friday (not including holidays or 12/29 – 1/3) 9-12am and 1-5pm
(Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday – Vietnamese from 10:00am)
(Filipino is only available on Wednesdays.) -
How to use:
①Please ask for the floor manager who will clarify your enquiry, and then direct you to the appropriate division.(The floor manager wears an armband.)
②Staff from the division will then phone an interpreter. After the connection has been made, client, staff, and interpreter will conduct a 3 way conversation. There is a chance an interpreter may not be available, or you may have to wait for one to become available.
The translation is based on the data available as of July, 2017. Please note that new systems, system changes etc. may have been introduced after this date. Responsibility for the linked websites lies with their creators. Kobe City accepts no responsibility for their content etc.